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  • Writer's pictureCamp Beaumont

Thank you for a great year!

2017 was a smashing year for Camp Beaumont!

Check out our review video below

We welcomed a new camp location at Godolphin and Latymer School in Hammersmith, for the first time hosted 5 Christmas camps and introduced a new specialist holiday Mad Scientist. What a year it has been!

Over the year we had some fantastic feedback from parent's, staff and the children!

"All the staff were excellent – Our kids loved their respective group leaders, and Ami and Charlene were great, Max was outstanding. Thank you so much for an amazing time for our kids. – J.Dodd"

37 years of Camp Beaumont and we pride ourselves on providing a safe environment for children to learn, discover and create life long memories. In the words of our staff team there is no better feeling to see smiling children at the end of each day.

What's next for Camp Beaumont?

During the quieter months our team work hard preparing for the following year, we work tirelessly putting together new activities, finding new venues to ensure we are still the UK's number 1 day camp. Keep your eyes peeled for our 2018 launch along with our snazzy new brochure!

From all of the team we would like to thank you for your continued support! Wishing you all a very happy new year.

CB xx

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